Vicencio, Christopher S.

Calculus 1 / Rommel C. Sanqui.-- Mandaluyong City, PH : Books Atbp. Publishing , [2019]. - viii, 126 pages

Includes references.

Preface iii -- Acknowledgements v -- Lesson 1: functions 1 -- Lesson 2: Derivative of a function 15 --Lesson 3: differentiation of algebraic functions 19 -- Lesson 4 higher derivative 29 -- Lesson 5 implicit differentiation 35 -- Lesson 6: parametric equations 41 -- Lesson 7 --Tangents and normals lines 47 -- Lesson 8: increasing and decreasing functions 57 -- Lesson 9 applications of maxima and minima 71 -- Lesson 10 time rates 87 -- Lesson 11 derivatives of trigonometric functions 95 -- Lesson 12 derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions 103 -- Lesson 13 derivatives logarithmic and exponential functions 111 -- Lesson 14 the hyperbolic functions 117 -- References 125 --

"Calculus has always been interesting subject. The applications of learned theories and practices for solving mathematical problems in other areas are imperative to arrive at precise solution of the subject. Nowadays, Calculus is considered by many students and aspiring professionals in the field of engineering and mathematics as their tool in achieving their goals and become licensed specialists. The purpose of Calculus I is to present the fundamentals and applications of differentiation in a comprehensive and accurate manner. In accomplishing this purpose, complete illustrations of problems and solutions are hereby offered. Most of the solved problems are guided by step-by-step procedures and discussions to arrive at accurate answers and better understanding."


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