Pawilen, Greg T.

Field Study I : a guide for 21st century student teachers / by Greg T. Pawilen, Ericson M. Reyes, John Amiel A. Rivera, Trixie Marie J. Sison. -- - First Edition. -- Sampaloc, Manila : Rex Book Store , [2019]. - vi, 199 pages ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

“This textbook, Field Study I, was conceptualized to immerse student in actual classroom situations and learning environment where direct observation of teaching and learning focuses on the application of educational theories. It will guide student teachers in developing their level of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), classroom management skills, and assessment skills to effectively implememnt the K to 12 basic education curriculum. The lessons and activities were designed to meet the demands and requirements of the new teacher education curriculum following the outcomes-based education paradigm prescribed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Memorandum Order Numbers 74, 75. 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, and 82 series of 2017. The contents of this textbook follow carefully the new Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)." --


Curriculum planning and development.

FIL 375 P289o 2019